Our bodies naturally crave healthy food - Green Wave Smoothies helps us back on the path to a more vibrant lifestyle. As fantastic as greens are, we would have to chew them a long long time to get them to the creamy consistency necessary to take full advantage of all the nutrition they hold. The nutrition lies within the plant's cell walls which are one of the strongest things found in nature. That's where the green smoothie part comes in...
Blending in a high speed blender breaks through the cell walls, releasing more flavor and making the bounty of nutrients more readily available for your body.
Green Wave Smoothie Pops blend the healthy goodness of fruit with the powerhouse benefits of greens. They are a farm-to-freezer treat that everyone can enjoy.
Our two flavors are KaleliciousTM and Greena ColadaTM Both flavors are naturally low in calories but more importantly they are nutrient-dense calories, not the empty calories of processed snacks. It's important to eat a rainbow of natural foods for a healthy diet. Our ingredients are powerhouses of nutrition.

An excellent source of vitamins and minerals gathered and frozen close to the farm to lock in all the goodness. Green Wave Smoothie Pops are a delicious nutritious way to "Get Your Greens"!